
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Door

Everyday is the same, I wake up, take a shower, put my clothes on, and get ready for the day. Then I  try to play with the kids, and attempt to eat breakfast when time allows. But, then in a blink of an eye I have to face you. I have to stare you down and find the courage inside to turn that little round knob that you hold, with all it's glimmer and glory, yet I dislike the very thought of reaching out and grasping it. Now, if but for a moment I think of what extending my hand means. It means that I have to leave my family behind and walk into the world outside, it means that by walking through that threshold I have to miss my children growing up, it means that I have to say goodbye to the ones that I hold most near and dear to my heart. Door in this moment, if I were able, I would fight, I would tell you no and stand up to you in the very way I protect my family. But deep down I know I must go, I must take that step into the world and leave the ones I love behind. Ye

The Winding Road of Life

As we travel through this journey called life, we tend to feel as if we are traveling on a winding road that sometimes feels like we are going up and sometimes we feel like we are falling completely of the side of the cliff, just tumbling down to the seemingly never ending abyss. As we continue on the journey we come into contact with many people who help us to be better than we are and sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by those who drag us down to deep despair and we always wonder how we got there in the first place. Why is this? Why is life so challenging at times and in other instances it feels like we are floating on clouds? Why must we have these challenges and should we allow them to control who we are? Do you see these challenges as stumbling blocks or an all out brick wall stopping you from becoming the person you want to become? The answer to these questions are something that we all must find within ourselves and when we find and answer each one of them honestl


        Is patience something you have to work on or is it something that people are just born with? I learned last night that no matter how much patience you are born with or you think you might have there are always those moments were you get more impatient in your life then you thought possible. A lot of the time we’re impatient for absolutely no reason at all. Case in point, last night I became very impatient with my son. There was no reason for my impatience, there was nothing different going on than usual. I wasn’t stressed out at all; he wasn’t doing anything to cause me to be impatient with him. It just happened out of nowhere, I just felt so impatient with him for no reason at all. But the biggest thing that bugged me the most was that I couldn’t make it go away. Now I’m not trying to boast and but if you’d ask my wife I am a very patient man, especially when it comes to babies. I never get upset, no matter how fussy they get. So, back to last night just all the sudden o

“What’s your choice?” Marriage or Divorce

Healing a Broken Heart             As we go through life we are faced with many choices. Every day we choose to get out of bed, we choose to dress ourselves, we choose who our friends are, we choose the relationships we have, we choose what we love, who we love and how we love. So why in the world are more and more people choosing to get a divorce just because they think they don’t love that person anymore? Now I’m talking in the concept of two people mutually getting a divorce because they agree they don’t love each other. Not those that get a divorce for being cheated on, domestically abused, etc. So to continue on, how do you just all the sudden fall out of love with the person that you have been married to? No matter how long it is, one year or fifty it doesn’t matter. The answer is you don’t. A divorce doesn’t just happen overnight it is usually a long drawn out battle between the two individuals.                         Now let’s think about it for a second, who sta

Measuring Success

How is success measured?  What does it mean to you? Are you only successful when other people think you are?                What defines success? There is no defining answer on what success truly is. Most people I've come into contact with view success as only attainable when you reach a certain age or status in life. But everyone defines success differently and there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong, is when people try to push what they think success means onto someone else and say that that other person is not successful. Now let’s take a mother for example, it doesn’t matter how many kids you have, if you have one or ten, you are still a mother.  But in the world we live in I have heard people say “She’s not going to be successful in life”, “She’s going to have to take care of her kids for the rest of her life” or “She’ll be too busy to accomplish anything”. Now these statements just make me want to punch someone in the face. How did you get s

Fatherhood: What’s the big deal?

Why are Father’s Important? Also, what are the benefits and blessings of sacrificing time to be with your children?                All around us people are asking and saying should I even have children? How many should I have? If I have more than one my life is over? But they take up so much of my time. Why would I want to change diapers every day?  And the biggest of them all, we accidently got pregnant should we keep it?                For you men out there "What the heck are you thinking?" Why are you leaving the woman to pick up your slack? Why are you failing at your responsibilities? In this nation we have become so self absorbed to even realize what life means and we never look back on how we were raised and the type of people that raised us. Now grant it not all of us come from humble backgrounds. There are many walks of life that we choose to take and yes I mean to say choose because we choose who we are and what we can become. Just because you grew up in th

"It's time to STOP running"

At different points in our lives we start to realize that we are not being who we are or who we can become. We start losing focus on the things that should be more important to us. We start planning our future, but forget the real reason or what we are planning for. We start to focus on  worldly obsession or monetary items that ultimately have no value in the big scheme of things. With all this stuff in our way we start running from who we are and the responsibilities that we have, because we think we are too busy to fulfill them. But in all reality most of the things we do are busy work, to make us think we are busy, but we really are not accomplishing anything. So I say " It's time to STOP running " and time to start using our time and talents to better the world in which we live.  If you don't like the world you live in " CHANGE IT " stop running!!! -Daniel Baker

In a time of conflict where is the peace?

A simple but profound question. I have heard this question in many different ways and places over the past couple of years. My simple answer to this question comes in the form of a question: What are you doing within yourselves to help bring peace to this world?